Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The beginning

   To begin with, Hi! Thanks for making the great effort of reading this, as it probably is not a masterpiece.  Well, I hate writing the „about me“ part, so I will skip it if you don’t mind.  
   Until February I will be in my hometown, which means last months of freedom, hanging out with my friends and lessons (almost) in polish. In fact the last months of all the things I love the most.  Preparations, preparations, preparations. My entire life I thought I will have my final exams in my country and never considered moving to another one and for sure not UNITED ARAB EMIRATES.  To be honest, at first I thought it’s a cruel, stupid joke, who wouldn’t think like that anyway?
    I used to make a countdown until the holidays, now the only word that is ticking in my head is „February, February, February“ The time is moving so fast! I don’t have to time to say goodbye to all the people I want, it is like moths became weeks. 
   When I think about moving to this vibrant, hot, weird, new, funny, expensive, extravagant, unique, modern (you can use thousands and thousands of adjectives, yet you won’t express what is the Dubai like in 100% in words, you just have to see it) city more, I am excited, truly excited. Feeling like a kid before opening the Christmas presents.  I have no idea of what to expect. Anxiety. That is the word. But okay I’m being too dramatic here, ugh sorry.  But it can make you really sad sometimes, just the perspective of not seeing all your friends and family for a very long time.
    Luckily I’ve found the golden mean for my bad mood. Something that is always helping-baking. It rhymes! I love it, so here is one thing you know about me, I do love baking. Since always. So I will try to post one picture of what I’ve done under each post. 
Here we go with the first one.:
Blueberry cupcakes with lemon cream cheese frosting. They are so easy and really delicious, they are great both with and without the frosting. You can find this super easy recipe here: http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/lemon-blueberry-cupcakes-with-lemon-cream-cheese-frosting-recipe/index.html
Creds to my sister: http://www.photoshop.com/users/agnieszkaklimowicz/albums
But to the point, how did I end up in Dubai?
   Imagine yourself fighting with your best friend via Skype. Done? Okay, good. Now imagine that you are really, really angry, shouting etc. Also done? Great, we are close to the main point. Think that you hear a gentle, shy knock on your door and that your dad puts his head into your room like a turtle (Oh I know it’s a weird picture to create in your mind) and says „we are moving to Dubai“.  And you are not even able to say a single word nor to fight with your friend, just sitting there, having the dumbest face in the world. Well, that is what has happened to me a few weeks a ago. Do you want to know how it looked like later?  Simply follow my blog. : )